TMJ, the common term for temporomandibular joint disorders, refers to conditions involving pain and movement problems in the joints that connect the jaw to the skull. Patients afflicted with TMJ commonly experience pain and grinding feelings in these joints when they open or close their mouth. Causes of TMJ vary widely, but common issues linked to TMJ include teeth grinding, arthritis, and physical trauma. A variety of options are available for TMJ diagnosis and treatment at the office of Dr. Amini, our San Francisco TMJ expert.
TMJ may develop after long-term stress, gradual deterioration or acute physical injury to the temporomandibular joints. Stress can result in TMJ by causing patients to engage in teeth grinding, which can occur during sleep without patients knowing. The connective tissues that stabilize the temporomandibular joints, like other joints, can be damaged in cases of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Trauma resulting from accidents, assaults, and frequent chewing of tough foods can also harm this joint. In addition to pain and grinding sensations, TMJ sufferers may experience symptoms such as headaches, clicking or popping noises, difficulty chewing food, swelling on one or both sides of the face, problems opening or closing the mouth, and pain around the ears or in the neck.
TMJ San Francisco
Our expert in TMJ in San Francisco may diagnose and treat TMJ in a variety of ways depending on symptoms and the findings of an exam. Feeling and listening to the jaw joints while patients open and close their mouth may be used in making a diagnosis of TMJ. X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs may also be used by our San Francisco TMJ expert to pinpoint the problem. Although surgery may be recommended for severe TMJ, the disorder may also be treated with bite guards, pain relievers, antidepressants, muscle relaxers, and sedatives. Corticosteroid injections are useful in reducing inflammation, and a procedure called arthrocentesis may be used to remove inflammatory substances from the temporomandibular joints.
Patients may be able to relieve TMJ symptoms at home by reducing stress, avoiding overuse of the jaw joints, and using hot or cold compresses on the temporomandibular joints. However, severe TMJ can benefit from diagnosis and treatment by our expert in TMJ in San Francisco. A consultation with Dr. Amini, our dentist in San Francisco, can be scheduled to learn more about TMJ and its diagnosis and treatment.